1 gauge
( измерительный) прибор; датчик; толщина; калибр; измерять; калибровать, градуироватьC.I.T. gauge — указатель температуры на входе в компрессор
cabin air temperature gauge — термометр воздуха в кабине, кабинный термометр
exhaust gas temperature gauge — указатель температуры [термометр] выходящих газов [газов за турбиной]
fly on the gauges — разг. лететь по приборам
jet pipe temperature gauge — термометр [указатель температуры] выходящих газов [газов за турбиной]
r.p.m. gauge — тахометр, указатель числа оборотов
stay on the gauges — разг. оставаться в полете [продолжать полет] по приборам
temperature compensated strain gauge — термокомпенсированный тензометр [тензодатчик]
turbine gas temperature gauge — термометр [указатель температуры] газов в турбине
2 strain
I [streɪn]1) (weight) sforzo m. (on su); (from pulling) tensione f. (on di)to put a strain on — sottoporre a sforzo o sollecitazione [beam, bridge]; affaticare, sottoporre a sforzo [heart, lungs]
to take the strain — [beam, rope] reggere alle sollecitazioni
2) (pressure) (on person) tensione f., stress m.; (in relations) tensione f.mental o nervous strain tensione nervosa; to put a strain on mettere a dura prova [relationship, patience]; creare tensioni in [ alliance]; mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; to be under strain [ person] essere sotto pressione; [ relations] essere teso; he can't take the strain non regge alla tensione o allo stress; the strain (on him) was beginning to tell — erano visibili in lui i primi segni della fatica
3) (injury) strappo m. muscolare; distorsione f.II 1. [streɪn]to strain one's eyes — (to see) strizzare gli occhi
2) fig. mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; creare tensioni in seno a [ relationship]; mettere a dura prova [ patience]3) (injure)2.3.to strain at — tirare con forza [leash, rope]
III 1. [streɪn]to strain oneself — affaticarsi, fare sforzi
1) (breed) (of animal) razza f.; (of plant, seed) varietà f.; (of virus, bacteria) specie f.2) (recurring theme) vena f.3) (tendency) tendenza f. (of a)4) (style) tono m., stile m.2.to the strains of... — sul motivo o sulla melodia di
* * *I 1. [strein] verb1) (to exert oneself or a part of the body to the greatest possible extent: They strained at the door, trying to pull it open; He strained to reach the rope.)2) (to injure (a muscle etc) through too much use, exertion etc: He has strained a muscle in his leg; You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a poor light.)3) (to force or stretch (too far): The constant interruptions were straining his patience.)4) (to put (eg a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid: She strained the coffee.)2. noun1) (force exerted; Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope?)2) ((something, eg too much work etc, that causes) a state of anxiety and fatigue: The strain of nursing her dying husband was too much for her; to suffer from strain.)3) ((an) injury especially to a muscle caused by too much exertion: muscular strain.)4) (too great a demand: These constant delays are a strain on our patience.)•- strained- strainer
- strain off II [strein] noun1) (a kind or breed (of animals, plants etc): a new strain of cattle.)2) (a tendency in a person's character: I'm sure there's a strain of madness in her.)3) ((often in plural) (the sound of) a tune: I heard the strains of a hymn coming from the church.)* * *strain (1) /streɪn/n.1 [cu] sforzo; strappo; tensione ( anche fig.): The chain broke under the strain, la catena si è spezzata sotto lo sforzo; He gave a great strain and lifted the rock, ha dato un grande strappo e ha sollevato il masso; The strain in our relations is increasing, la tensione nelle nostre relazioni è in aumento; (econ.) We must combat the strain due to the pressure of home demand, dobbiamo reprimere la tensione provocata dalla pressione della domanda interna; to crack under the strain, crollare per la tensione ( psicologica); to stand the strain, resistere alla tensione ( psicologica)2 [cu] (med.) tensione nervosa; esaurimento; stress; (fig.) logorio: the strain of business life, il logorio degli affari3 (med.) distorsione; slogatura; strappo muscolare: I have a strain in my leg, ho uno strappo muscolare alla gamba4 (ind. costr.) sollecitazione● (tecn.) strain gauge, estensimetro □ (metall.) strain hardening, incrudimento □ to be on the strain, esser teso all'estremo □ to put a great strain on sb., sottoporre q. a un grosso sforzo □ to be under great strain, essere sotto pressione ( per il lavoro, lo studio, ecc.) □ That is a great strain on my imagination, è uno sforzo eccessivo per la mia fantasia.strain (2) /streɪn/n.1 discendenza; lignaggio; schiatta; stirpe; razza; famiglia: He comes of a noble strain, discende da una famiglia nobile; This dog is of a good strain, questo cane è di (buona) razza4 indizio; segno; traccia; vena (fig.): There is a strain of ferocity [madness] in him, c'è in lui una vena di ferocia [di pazzia]5 (spesso al pl.) (poet., retor.) motivo musicale; ritmo; canto; melodia: the strains of the harp, le melodie dell'arpa; a moving strain, un motivo commovente♦ (to) strain /streɪn/A v. t.1 tendere ( anche fig.); sforzare; affaticare; ferire (fig.); mettere a dura prova; mettere (q.) sotto pressione: to strain the barbed wire of a fence, tendere il filo spinato di un recinto; to strain one's ears, tendere le orecchie; The sunlight was straining my eyes, la luce del sole mi feriva gli occhi; to strain one's eyes, affaticarsi la vista; to strain sb. 's patience, mettere a dura prova la pazienza di q.2 distorcere; storcere; slogare; forzare; stiracchiare (fig.); forzare il significato (o l'interpretazione) di: to strain the truth, distorcere la verità; svisare i fatti; He fell and strained his ankle, cadde e si storse (o si slogò) la caviglia; to strain the sense of a sentence [of other people's words], forzare il senso d'una frase [delle parole altrui]; to strain the law, stiracchiare la legge; forzarne l'interpretazione3 eccedere; oltrepassare; andare oltre; abusare di: to strain one's powers, eccedere i propri poteri; to strain one's authority, abusare della propria autorità4 danneggiare; deformare; sformare: The excessive weight has strained the springs, il peso eccessivo ha deformato le molleB v. i.1 sforzarsi; affaticarsi; arrancare; essere sotto sforzo: He was straining to win, si sforzava di vincere; straining horses, cavalli sotto sforzo, affaticati● (lett.) to strain every nerve, fare ogni sforzo; mettercela tutta □ (med.) to strain a muscle, prodursi uno strappo muscolare □ to strain oneself, sforzarsi, affaticarsi: (iron.) Don't strain yourself!, non ammazzarti di fatica!; non scomodarti! □ (fig.) to strain a point in sb. 's favour, fare uno strappo (alla regola) in favore di q. □ to strain one's voice, sforzare la voce.* * *I [streɪn]1) (weight) sforzo m. (on su); (from pulling) tensione f. (on di)to put a strain on — sottoporre a sforzo o sollecitazione [beam, bridge]; affaticare, sottoporre a sforzo [heart, lungs]
to take the strain — [beam, rope] reggere alle sollecitazioni
2) (pressure) (on person) tensione f., stress m.; (in relations) tensione f.mental o nervous strain tensione nervosa; to put a strain on mettere a dura prova [relationship, patience]; creare tensioni in [ alliance]; mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; to be under strain [ person] essere sotto pressione; [ relations] essere teso; he can't take the strain non regge alla tensione o allo stress; the strain (on him) was beginning to tell — erano visibili in lui i primi segni della fatica
3) (injury) strappo m. muscolare; distorsione f.II 1. [streɪn]to strain one's eyes — (to see) strizzare gli occhi
2) fig. mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; creare tensioni in seno a [ relationship]; mettere a dura prova [ patience]3) (injure)2.3.to strain at — tirare con forza [leash, rope]
III 1. [streɪn]to strain oneself — affaticarsi, fare sforzi
1) (breed) (of animal) razza f.; (of plant, seed) varietà f.; (of virus, bacteria) specie f.2) (recurring theme) vena f.3) (tendency) tendenza f. (of a)4) (style) tono m., stile m.2.to the strains of... — sul motivo o sulla melodia di
3 amplifier
4 line
1) линия, черта; штрих2) профиль; очертание; граница; контур3) шнур; канат; верёвка4) труба (напр. водопроводной линии)5) проводить линию, линовать6) облицовывать; обшивать; футеровать; отделывать•- line of creep - line of dip - line of force - line of percolation - line of pressure - line of principal strain - line of resistance - line of seepage - line of sight - line of slide - line of the least resistance - line of thrust - line of total head - line of traffic - lines of force - lines of principal stress - anchor line - arch centre line - balance line - barrier lines - beam centre line - bell line - bend line - bending line - blasting line - blowing line - bottom line of teeth - bow line - branch line - break line - brine line - broken line - bucket line - building line - buried line - cable power transmission line - carpenter's line - car-track line - catenary line - centre line - centre line of survey - charging line - closing-head line - communication line - compensation line - complete line - compressed-air line - construction line - contour line - counterweight line - crest line - crown line of vault - crushing and sorting automatic production line - damage line - dash line - datum line - dead line - delivery line - detergent line - dimension line - discharge line - dot line - dotted line - electric line - elevation line - equipotential lines - excavation pay line - extension line - fall line - fault line - feed line - filling line - fire line - flexible line - flexible hose line - flowing line - frontal line - full line - gas line - gathering line - gauge line of rivets - goods line - grade line - ground line - groundwater line - grout line - guy line - hammer line - hoisting line - imaginary line - influence line - inlet line - isochromatic line - isopycnic line - isotherm line - killed electric line - lane line - lighting line - load line - load distribution line - load line of crane - loading line - location line - Luder's lines - main line - manufacturing line - modular coordinating line - municipal sewage lines - overflow line - overhead line - overhead power transmission line - pass line - phreatic line - pile line - pilot pressure line - plotted line - plumb line - power line - pressure line - probability line - property line - radio relay line - railroad line - railway line - return line - roof lines - saturation line - section line - seepage line - shoulder line - sighting line - solid line - springing line - steam extraction line - straight line - stress-director line - suction line - surface grinding line - supply line - tag line - terrestrial line - thrust line - transit line - transmission line - trunk line - tunnel line - vapour line - venting line - vertical line - visible transition line - vortex line - water-supply line - wavy line - wear line - wet return line - whip line - wire line - wire communication line - yield line - zero lineto run a line — провешивать линию, проводить линию
* * *1. линия, черта2. верёвка, бечёвка, шнур3. граница; контур; предел4. морщина, складка5. линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия- line of action of the forceto line by eye — рихтовать «на глаз»
- line of action
- line of corresponding stages
- line of creep
- line of force
- line of least pressure
- line of least resistance
- line of principal strain
- line of route
- line of rupture
- line of seepage
- line of sight
- line of thrust
- line of traffic
- line of wells
- line of zero fill
- A line
- aerial line
- air line
- air void line
- arch center line
- ashlar line
- assembly line
- B line
- backhaul line
- barrier line
- base line
- beam center line
- belt line
- bleed lines
- border line
- boundary line
- branch line
- bridge center line
- brine line
- broad-gauge line
- building line
- building setback line
- bulkhead line
- buried line
- bypass line
- C line
- cable line
- center line
- center line of inertia
- center line of the hook
- chalk line
- channel line
- closing line
- collimation line
- communication line
- compressed air line
- condensate line
- connecting line
- connecting drainage line
- consumer gas service line
- contour line
- conveyor belt line
- cordon line
- crest line
- critical state line
- curved line
- datum line
- dead line
- deflection-influence line
- digging line
- discharge line
- discharge section line
- distribution line
- dot line
- dot and dash line
- dotted line
- double line
- double-rodded line
- drilling line
- duplicate level line
- edge line
- electric line
- electrified railway line
- encroachment line
- energy grade line
- energy line
- envelope line
- equipotential lines
- expansion line
- exposing line
- fathom line
- fence line
- fire line
- flood line
- flow line
- formation line
- frontage line
- frost line
- future line
- gas line
- gauge line
- geodesic line
- grade line
- gravity pipe line
- grooved lines
- ground line
- guide line
- hair line
- half line
- heating line
- high-pressure line
- high-speed line
- high-tension line
- hoisting line
- horizon line
- hot gas line
- hydraulic grade line
- improvement line
- influence line
- influence line for bending moment
- influence line for reaction
- influence line for shear
- isopiestic lines
- isoseismal line
- lift line
- light line
- liquid line
- load distribution line
- location line
- lot line
- Luders' line
- machine's center line
- main line
- mason's line
- moment-influence line
- neat line
- outside foundation line
- overhead line
- overhead contact line
- overhead electric line
- painting line
- pay line
- phreatic line
- pressure line
- project property line
- pumped water line
- random line
- reaction-influence line
- reference line
- return line
- run line
- runner line
- sand lines
- saturation line
- secant line
- secondary line
- section line
- shear-influence line
- short line
- sighting line
- simultaneous level line
- slip line
- slope line
- sloping straight line
- snapping line
- snow line
- span pipe line
- springing line
- straight line
- strain line
- stream line
- strike line
- suction line
- supply line
- tag line
- tangent line
- thaw line
- three part line
- traffic line
- transit line
- transmission line
- trunk line
- two-part line
- underground electric line
- utility line
- vertical line
- wall line
- water line
- water level line
- whip line
- white line
- working line
- yield line
- zero line
- zero air voids line
См. также в других словарях:
Rain gauge — A rain gauge (also known as a udometer or a pluviometer [fluviograph] or a cup) is a type of instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation (as opposed to solid precipitation that is… … Wikipedia
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots — North American box art Developer(s) Kojima Productions P … Wikipedia
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
materials testing — Introduction measurement of the characteristics and behaviour of such substances as metals, ceramics, or plastics under various conditions. The data thus obtained can be used in specifying the suitability of materials for various… … Universalium
Measuring instrument — Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax contemplating measuring instruments in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea … Wikipedia
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
Nobel Prizes — ▪ 2009 Introduction Prize for Peace The 2008 Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, former president (1994–2000) of Finland, for his work over more than 30 years in settling international disputes, many involving ethnic,… … Universalium
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Stress (physics) — Stress is a measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit area. It is a measure of the intensity of the total internal forces acting within a body across imaginary internal surfaces, as a reaction to external applied forces and body… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium